Since 2012, we advise and accompany entrepreneurs and management board in the digital sector with values that are dear to us :
*M&A : Mergers & Acquisitions
completed in the IT sector
have transited during these operations
to honor our bets !
We are embarking on a type of communication that we have not used until now.
Several of our contacts have pushed us to communicate our values, our way of working and the atmosphere within our team.
So we decided to broadcast podcasts on LinkedIn and create a Youtube channel.
What a (R)evolution for us!
So don't hesitate to drop by or leave your comments on LinkedIn.
See you soon!
OpportunIT is dedicated to ESNs and software publishers only. Opportun IT offers five services:
The cession: we set up tools and processes to ensure a realistic and serene sale:
Definition of the best buyer profile.
Definition of the best expected / desired conditions.
Contact with the best potential buyers .
Management of the sale process.
The acquisition: we define and identify appropriate targets in an external growth development approach:
Creation or development of the company external growth.
Structured research of opportunities on the market.
Management of incoming opportunities.
Negotiation and finalization of initiated operations during the mandate.
The fundraising: to understand deeply your activity, to describe your goals in terms of financial investors and to find the best financial partner in the best conditions.
The accompaniment: we achieve these two types of missions either in short-term version, known as "spot", or in "long-term" versions.
Our sectors: IT Services and Software Edition.
Advice above all is our mindset.
We analyze all the data and offer different point of views to complete your project.
Our reactivity, our "road map" and our experience allow us to safely manage your process.
We're here to prepare you and help you make concrete decisions.
Our experience mixed with knowledge of your business allow us to conduct a process to the end in the best conditions, preserving your environment and ecosystem.
This will allow you to focus your efforts only on your goal.
An adapted and proven methodology for a structured transaction and safe completion.
We support you in your process with confidence and discretion in order to turn your opportunities into reality.
Monitoring and optimal quality are our daily concern.
A good "deal" is a deal in which all stakeholders find their interest.
This balance comes from the consideration of the views of all stakeholders.
It will allow discussions to always move forward and to finalize the process.
Confidentiality surrounds every contact, every exchange of information and every meeting to preserve stakeholders and minimize disruptions in the company's life and the lives of leaders.
To help you, we need to develop mutual trust so our advice and discussions on all negotiating elements allow you to get the best possible results in your transaction.
The price is never the only component of an operation.
Graduated from Inseec Bordeaux, began his career at Sierra Consulting, specialist ICT transactions, before becoming responsible ICT sector business Apax Partners & Cie Finance he joined in July 99, following the sale of Euro Fi Conseil by Apax.
He was then in charge of mergers and acquisitions at Osiatis (1300 people), a specialist IT infrastructure services, where he was responsible for acquisitions and their integration, as well as relations with European subsidiaries until 2004.
Between 2005 and 2012 he was Director at AP Management, highly specialized consulting in information technology sector companies in mergers and acquisitions and capital structuring.
In 2012, he created OpportunIT to have a boutique linked with his own values.
Graduated from the Master Currency Banking Finance Insurance specialized in Corporate Finance at the University of Rennes 1, Camélia worked in mergers and acquisitions and in corporate finance during her first experiences.
She participates in the accompanying of SME’s in the agri-food, industrial, Defense and IT sectors through her experiences, notably at Acticam and Societex.
In 2021, Camélia joins OpportunIT to support its development where she is involved in M&A consulting and valuation assignments.
Hugo holds an MSc Finance degree from the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) and a double degree in Finance and a Master's degree in Financial Engineering from the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne Hugo specialized in corporate finance and in particular in M&A during his first experiences.
In 2020, Hugo joined OpportunIT as an analyst and supports SMEs and mid-caps in the IT sector in their external growth efforts.
Dorian holds a Master's degree specializing in Finance from the Ecole Centrale d'Electronique (ECE) in Paris.
In January 2023, Dorian joined OpportunIT as an analyst and supports SMEs and ETIs in the IT sector in their external growth initiatives.
Crédits :
Ce site web est édité par : OpportunIT SARL
Société A Responsabilité Limitée au capital de 100 000€
Inscrite sous le numéro 750 884 579 au RCS Versailles
Siège social : 229 chemin de la vallée Crespin – 78760 JOUARS-PONTCHARTRAIN
Contact : +33 (0)6 16 31 29 75 - Amaury Semain
Hébergeur : GANDI SAS, Société par Actions Simplifiée au capital de 800.000€ ayant son siège social au
63-65 boulevard Masséna Paris (75013) FRANCE
Siren 423 093 459 RCS PARIS
n. de TVA FR81423093459
Tel +33 (0) 1
Fax +33. (0) 1 43 73 18 51
Conception, webdesign, développement et maintenance du site :
Agence 85C -
Crédit Photographies :
Christophe Chalimbaud
Photographe Professionnel
Conditions d'utilisation :
Propriété du site
OpportunIT a ouvert ce site pour l'information personnelle de ses utilisateurs. L'utilisation des informations contenues sur le présent site relève de la seule responsabilité de son utilisateur. Toutes les ressources contenues dans ce site, textes, visuels et illustrations (schémas, dessins, photographies) sont communiqués à titre purement informatif et ne peuvent en rien engager la responsabilité de l'éditeur.
Aucune exploitation commerciale même partielle des données qui y sont présentées ne pourra être effectuée sans l'accord préalable et écrit d'OpportunIT.
La présentation et le contenu du présent site constituent ensemble une œuvre protégée par les lois en vigueur sur la propriété intellectuelle dont OpportunIT est propriétaire. Aucune reproduction ou représentation, partielle ou intégrale, ne pourra en être faite sans l'accord préalable et écrit d'OpportunIT.
OpportunIT se réserve le droit de modifier le contenu de ce site à tout moment et pour n'importe quel mobile sans disposition de notification préalable. OpportunIT ne pourra être tenu en aucun cas pour responsable des conséquences de telles modifications.
La dénomination OpportunIT ainsi que le logo OpportunIT sont des marques déposées par OpportunIT. De même, les dessins, images, textes et autres documentations représentés sur le présent site internet sont objets de droits de propriété industrielle et/ou intellectuelle et sont selon les cas, propriété d'OpportunIT ou de tiers ayant autorisé limitativement OpportunIT à les utiliser.
Toute reproduction, utilisation et/ou modification qui en serait faite sans l'accord préalable et écrit d'OpportunIT est interdite. à ce titre, toute reproduction, représentation, adaptation, traduction, ou transformation, partielles ou intégrales, ou transfert sur un autre site sont interdits.
Liens vers des sites tiers.
Le site propose des liens vers des sites sur lesquels OpportunIT n'exerce aucun contrôle. OpportunIT se dégage de toute responsabilité quant au contenu de ces sites.
Data Protection Policy
OpportunIT is concerned about private life and personal data of its contacts. We have taken a strict data policy that guarantee our conformity with the current law.
Which means, OpportunIT’s policy is conform with the European right regarding the “General Data Protection Regulation” or GDPR n°2016/679 of 27th of April, as well as our national right and subsidiaries taken under this article.
This Data Protection Policy (“DPP”) purpose is to inform in a clarify, simple and complete way the concerned persons on how OpportunIT collect,manage and use personal data and the means at your disposal to manage and exert your rights on your personal data.
1. When do we collect your personal data ?
OpportunIT may collect personal data in the context of professional meetings, cases, partnerships, applications, your visit to our offices, your visits to our website and your use of our online services.
Declarative personal data are those that you provide via forms, whether they are dematerialised on websites, in paper format or in response to questions asked you by lawyers or members of the company
OpportunIT takes into account the principles of data minimisation, data protection from their conception onward and data protection by default. Consequently, are collected relevant and adequate information limited to the necessary purpose of the search.
Mandatory declarative personal data are indicated by an “*” sign on the collection medium. Apart from these cases, you are free to provide or not all or part of your personal data. However, such a decision could limit your access to certain services or products offered by OpportunIT, or other functionalities offered by its website.
2. In which cases your data are collected ?
Your personal data are run by OpportunIT in cases that are legally authorized, in particular under the following conditions :
- When you give free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent to the processing of your personal data (e.g. subscription to thematic information, registration for an event, etc.),
- When this is necessary for the execution of a contract, or pre-contractual measures taken at your request (e.g. application, handling of a dossier, need for access to a dataroom, etc.),
- To comply with legal or regulatory obligations of OpportunIT (e.g.: fight against fraud),
- When the legitimate interests of OpportunIT may be such as to justify processing by the lawfirm (e.g. computer security measures).
Relative information that comply with the current law is provided in each cases.
We mention here that for minors under the age of 18, such consent must be given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility. If the guardian discovers that Personal Data of the minor concerned has been entrusted to OpportunIT without his consent, they may ask OpportunIT to delete such Personal Data by following the procedure described in point 7.2. of this Charter.
3. Why do we collect your data ?
Your personal data are collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.
Depending on the case, we may use your personal data for the purpose of :
- Dialogue with you in the context of partnerships, contracts, missions, etc…
- Participation in surveys, analyses and statistics in order to improve our products and services as well as the knowledge of our clients and leads.
- Requesting, obtaining or receiving information about OpportunIT or one of its entities or affiliates, or on the products and services offered by them or their partners.
- Subscribing and receiving thematic information (legal training, documentation, invitations, activity reports, etc.) ;
- Processing your application for a position ;
- Improving your customer experience
OpportunIT may also use your personal data for administrative purposes or for any other purpose imposed by the current legislation.
4. Who are the recipients of your personal data ?
Because your personal data are viewed as confidential, only duly authorised persons by OpportunIT can access your data, except for the authorities in charge of control or inspection in accordance with the applicable regulations
5. How the safety of your personal data is preserved ?
OpportunIT protect and secure your personal data in order to ensure their confidentiality and prevent them from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or disclosed to unauthorised third parties.
When disclosure of data to third parties is necessary and authorised, OpportunIT ensures that these third parties guarantee the same level of data protection as that offered to them by OpportunIT and requires contractual guarantees so that the data are exclusively processed for the purposes you have previously accepted, and with the required confidentiality and security.
OpportunIT implements technical and organisational measures to ensure that personal data are kept securely for the duration necessary for the exercise of the purposes pursued in accordance with applicable law.
Although OpportunIT takes reasonable steps to protect your personal data, no transmission or storage technology is foolproof.
In accordance with applicable European regulations and in the event of a proven breach of Personal Data likely to create a high risk for the rights and freedoms of the persons concerned, OpportunIT undertakes to communicate this breach to the competent supervisory authority and, where required by the said regulations, to the persons concerned (individually or generally as the case may be).
Notwithstanding the above, it is your responsibility to exercise caution to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data and terminals (computer, smartphone, tablet,…).
In addition, the Company’s websites may provide links to third-party websites that may be of interest to you. OpportunIT has no control over the content of these third party sites or over the personal data protection practices of these third parties. Consequently, OpportunIT declines any responsibility concerning the processing of your Personal Data by these third parties, not subject to the present Charter. It is your responsibility to inform yourself about the personal data protection policies of these third parties.
6. How long are your personal data kept ?
OpportunIT keeps your personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes pursued, respecting the legal possibilities of archiving, obligations to keep certain data, and/or anonymisation.
In particular, we apply the following retention periods for these few broad categories of personal data :
Personal data of customers/prospects/business partners: as long as the user is active and, at the latest, 3 years after the last contact with the user;
Personal login data (datarooms) : 1 year after last login
Personal data of candidates (recruitment): time needed to process the application and, in case of a negative outcome, 3 years after the last contact (unless the candidate agrees to a longer period)
7. What are your rights regarding your personal data and how to exercise them?
7.1. Your rights
Respecting the limits provided by the regulations in force, you have the following rights with regards to your personal data:
Right to information on the processing of your personal data. OpportunIT strives to provide you with concise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible information on the conditions for processing your personal data, in clear and simple terms
- Right of access, rectification and deletion (or “right to forget”) of your personal data
The right of access allows you to obtain from OpportunIT confirmation that your personal data have or have not been processed as well as the conditions of such processing, and to receive an electronic copy (for any additional copy, OpportunIT is entitled to demand payment of any reasonable fees based on the administrative costs incurred).
You also have the right to obtain from OpportunIT, as soon as possible (and by default within 30 days), the rectification of your personal data.
Finally, subject to the exceptions provided by applicable law (e.g.: retention necessary to comply with a legal obligation), you have the right to ask OpportunIT to delete, as soon as possible, your Personal Data, when one of the following grounds applies :
Your personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
• You wish to withdraw your consent on which the processing of your personal data was based and there is no other basis justifying such processing;
• You consider and can establish that your personal data has been unlawfully processed;
• Your personal data must be deleted in accordance with a legal obligation
- Right to limit the processing of your personal data
The applicable regulations provide that this right may be invoked in certain cases, in particular the following:
• when you dispute the accuracy of your personal data;
• when you consider and can establish that the processing of personal data is unlawful but you oppose the deletion of personal data and demand instead that the processing be limited;
• when OpportunIT no longer needs your personal data but they are still necessary for you to establish, exercise or defend your legal rights;
• When you object to the processing that would be based on the legitimate interest of the controller, during the verification whether the legitimate grounds pursued by the controller prevail over those of the person in question.
- Right to the portability of personal data
When the processing is based on your consent or a contract, this right to portability allows you to receive the personal data you have provided OpportunIT with in a structured, commonly used format, and to transmit this personal data to another data controller without OpportunIT hindering it.
When technically possible, you may request that this personal data be transmitted directly to another controller by OpportunIT.
- Right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data
When OpportunIT processes your personal data on the basis of your consent, this latter may be withdrawn at any time using the means provided for this purpose (procedure indicated in point 7.2 of this Policy). On the other hand, and in accordance with applicable law, the withdrawal of your consent is only valid for the future and cannot therefore call into question the lawfulness of the processing carried out before this withdrawal
- Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
If, despite OpportunIT’ efforts to preserve the confidentiality of your personal data, you feel that your rights are not respected, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. A list of control authorities is available on the European Commission’s website.
- Right to decide the fate of your personal data after your death
Finally, you have the right to organize the fate of your personal post-mortem data through the adoption of general or specific guidelines. OpportunIT is committed to respecting these guidelines. In the absence of directives, OpportunIT recognises the possibility for heirs to exercise certain rights, in particular the right of access, if it is necessary for the settlement of the deceased’s estate; the right to object to the closure of the deceased’s user accounts ; and the right to object to the processing of their data.
7.2. How to exercise your rights
For any question relating to this Policy and/or to exercise your rights as described above, you may contact OpportunIT, electronically or by post, by sending a letter accompanied by a copy of any identity document to :
229 chemin de la vallée Crespin
OpportunIT commits to reply as soon as possible, and at the latest within one month of receipt of your request.
If necessary, this deadline may be extended by two months, taking into account the complexity and number of requests addressed to OpportunIT. In this case, you will be informed of the extension and the reasons for the postponement.
If your request is submitted in electronic form, the information will also be provided to you electronically whenever possible, unless you expressly request otherwise.
If OpportunIT does not comply with your request, it will inform you of the reasons for its inaction and you have the possibility of lodging a complaint with a supervisory authority and/or filing a judicial appeal.
8. Applicable law and competent court
This Policy is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute and if an amicable agreement cannot be reached, the competent courts shall be those of the Paris Court of Appeal, notwithstanding the defendants’ plurality or the introduction of third parties
Copyright © 2024 OpportunIT
OpportunIT, M&A consulting dedicated to IT